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I'm Samantha...or Sam, whichever you want to call me! 


I have been a photographer since 2011, and let me tell you I have one of the best jobs out there! I have always wanted to be a photographer and grew up always having a camera with me, so being able to live out this dream is pretty amazing! 

If I'm not shooting, you can probably find me drowning in glitter. I am a MAJOR crafter and I think my house will have glitter in the floor forever. 


I have a cat named Ozzy and a dog named Milo. I am obsessed with Starbucks (Chai Tea Latte with Almond Milk), my boyfriend Alex, traveling, camping, and just being outdoors. 


I have seen every episode of Friends at least 7 times and I watch Parks and Recreation to fall asleep at night. I have a SLIGHT obsession with coffee mugs, I think they can really show who you are as a person! I would rather curl up on the couch with a sherpa, a glass of wine and Alex over going out any day. 

Anyway, I think that is enough about me! I want to get to know you! Shoot me a message, I can't wait to chat.

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